FVP Gals

Dear FVP Gals:

Thanksgiving is coming up and I’m really bored of the traditional turkey inspired menu items. FVP Gals please help! What can I do to add a flair to the traditional thanksgiving type menu items?

FVP Gals – Food & Beverage Magazine

Tired turkey


We love this question! We are all about innovation at Food Venture Program! In the past year, we have noticed an increase in local tourism given the lack of ability to travel to so many exotic places. Along with that boom in local tourism came a boom in food tourism!   The billion-dollar industry is continuing to gain momentum despite limitations brought on by travel restrictions.  As we reopen and regain a sense of normalcy, people are eager to explore and experience new tastes, even if they’re still reluctant to board a plane. We bring this up because adding something unique yet local is a form of food tourism and you can use our suggestions below as an opportunity to amp up your food tourism marketing! Tout that you have unique thanksgiving menu items that are local and trendy!

Asian-Pacific inspired flavour profiles are on trend for today’s tastes including fusion flavours from China, Japan, Thailand, and Korea.  An alluring combination of ginger, soy, sesame, chillies, and spice combinations highlight the aromatic sauces and broths inspired by Asian cuisine.  Sounds quite different and unique compared to the traditional Thanksgiving flavors, right? Instead of turkey, we’re suggesting the king of street food: The BBQ-roasted Chinese Goose. BBQ goose is known for its crisp, brown skin and tender meat. Restaurants use clay ovens or high temperature rotisseries to achieve the BBQ speciality.  The Chinese Goose has been raised commercially in North America since the 1980’s so you won’t need to fly overseas to get some and there are farms throughout North America that breed these for meat!

Cooking goose may seem intimidating and time consuming but retail options are emerging to take the guesswork out of enjoying gourmet goose at your restaurant. Sous vide, confit style, marinated portions are cooked perfectly, ready within a few minutes on the grill or in the oven. Here is one of our favorite North-American based distributors to get ready-prepared goose: NothernGoose.com. We also have included one of our favorite recipes for preparing goose!




  1. https://www.nutritionaloutlook.com/view/2021-flavor-trends-for-food-and-beverage
  2. https://www.chefspencil.com/most-popular-ethnic-cuisines-in-america/ 
  3. https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/culinary-tourism-market-A06326

FVP Gals



The Food Venture Gals

Kiran & Sima

Read Also: Kitchen Hack: Dorot Gardens® Herb Cubes – Food & Beverage

Contributor: Saffron Locas


If you’re looking for more resources on menu or product development, we can help! Find more information at www.FoodVentureProgram.com or email us at info@foodventureprogram.com

The Food Venture Gals are the founders of Food Venture Program; a leading organization in North American food and beverage product development offering online programs to help food entrepreneurs turn their recipes into retail-ready products!