A vibrant nightlife is important. In fact, it’s like money in the bank for cities everywhere. Between tourists, conference-goers, and regular locals, people like places that promote “sociability” and that’s where they like to spend their hard earned cash. And when you think of the term “sociability,” what comes to mind? That’s right. Places to eat, drink and listen to music.

The Responsible Hospitality Institute (RHI), a private, non-profit organization founded in 1983, is one of the leading sources for events, resources and consultation services on nightlife. At their recent summit in Austin, Texas, one of the primary focuses was on the value of music. During the presentations, which included “Make Live Music Thrive in Your City,” the facts couldn’t be stated enough:
“Live music draws tourists, attracts new residents and provides an authentic cultural experience. A city can achieve global recognition for its local music. But it also has concrete benefits for the local economy. The music industry generates tax revenue and creates jobs. Hotels, restaurants, and taxis also indirectly benefit from music fans.”
The beauty of this statement is that the power of using music not only applies to cities, it also applies to small businesses that can become destinations as well. People have to eat and drink, that’s a fact. But they do have a choice of where – and music can be a deciding factor. No matter where a business is situated, the way it sounds is important.
BMI represents songwriters because we, too, love music and what it adds to our culture. Over the past 77 years, the Company has seen how our affiliates’ work has been the soundtrack to the exuberant highs and lows that bring people together as a community. These 750,000 music creators come from small towns, big cities and everywhere in between, all with the same goal in mind – to create music that reaches people and makes their day a little brighter, and a lot more “sociable.” What other commodity can provide all that?
So, ask yourself what it would be like to have the radio go silent, the Internet stripped of its music and the themes of any TV show or movie removed. Pretty bleak. Fortunately, we, like the customers of bars and restaurants, have a choice. We can continue to support music creators, and in doing so, support ourselves and the businesses we run.
For more information on how to obtain a BMI music license, please visit www.bmi.com or call a BMI representative at (800) 325-1395. For information on RHI’s 2018 Summit in New Orleans, click here.