CBD Oil and the Other Cannabinoids: A guide for UK CBD buyers

The term cannabinoids sounds complicated, right? Though the word is long and sounds confusing, it’s really not. In fact, you already know about two different cannabinoids. 


CBD and THC are two out of hundreds of known cannabinoids. CBD is the cannabinoid cannabidiol. THC is the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol. You probably know that THC is the cannabinoid responsible for the ‘high’ effect of marijuana. 


Did you know that CBD is very similar to THC, except it is not psychoactive? These two cannabinoids produce similar effects. This has prompted extensive research from the scientific community. This research led to the discovery of hundreds of new cannabinoids.

The Importance of Cannabinoids

Not all CBD oil is created equally. There are broad-spectrum, full plant CBD oils that include a variety of different cannabinoids. This variety is obtained by extracting oil from the entire cannabis plant. This kind of cannabidiol oil is considered top of the line.


You are probably wondering why cannabinoids are so important. The answer can be simple. These cannabinoids interact with each other and receptors within the body. These interactions provide the human body with many benefits. They regulate functions such as sleep, memory, appetite, and mood.


This is done through their interactions and reactions within the endocannabinoid system. This system’s primary functions are the regulation of temperature, memory, and mood. The system also plays a part in the prevention of illness.

The Entourage Effect

The entourage effect symbolizes the process of these interactions. The cannabinoids not only interact with each other but with terpenes and flavonoids as well. These interactions provide the body with even more benefits.


The entourage effect is the idea that maximizing the number of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids will maximize the benefits of a CBD oil. Harvesting from the entire plant is the only way to extract the widest variety of cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. 


The entourage effect can only be produced through the use of full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and full plant extraction methods. When these methods are used, the result is a high-quality CBD oil. These high-quality oils are believed to promote body health and mental well-being.

Understand the Other Cannabinoids

There are hundreds of cannabinoids that have been discovered. The following four cannabinoids are the most commonly found in CBD oil. They also tend to interact the most with CBD, or cannabidiol.


Cannabinol is often found in low quantities within CBD oil. This cannabinoid is a product of the oxidation of THC. Once oxidized, THV begins to degrade and become less psychotropic. 


This compound is most often found in elderly hemp plants. However, oxidation occurs all the time. There are small amounts of CBN in newer hemp plants as well. This explains why CBD contains a smaller amount of this compound.


The CBG compound is an intriguing cannabinoid. The compound is actually a non-acidic form of CBG acid. Cannabigerol acid has been proven to be an origin of many other cannabinoids found in CBD.


Through the synthesizing process CBG acid is transformed into a vast variety of other cannabinoids. This idea is prompting further research into cannabigerol and cannabigerol acid. For a brand that is utilizing the CBG cannabinoid well, look at Nutra CBD and their CBD oils (in Netherlands, it’s referred to as CBD olie).


Cannabichromene, or CBC, is one of the compounds including CBD and THC that originated from cannabigerol acid. CBC is the most common cannabinoid found in CBD oils, behind CBD and THC of course.


Research shows that this cannabinoid could improve the body’s regulation of temperature. Research indicates that the CBC compound binds with the receptors that monitor and regulate temperature.


THCV, or tetrahydrocannabivarin, shares some commonalities with the THC compound. The two cannabinoids seem to share a history. The compounds also have similar structures and make-ups. The carbon side chain is the varying characteristic of these compounds.


This single difference plays a large role in the effect of the compound. THCV differs from most other cannabinoids because it does not seem to enhance anything. Instead, the compound seems to diminish enhancements. This is the moderation compound in CBD oils.


CBDa- Cannabidiolic Acid

CBDa is almost identical to CBD. This acid seems to have stronger anti-inflammatory properties than CBD. This is due to CBDa’s inhibition of COX-2 enzymes. The structure and make up is very similar to CBDs. Both compounds are non-psychotropic.


THCa- Tetrahydrocannabidol Acid

The relationship between THC and THCa is very similar to the one between CBD and CBDa. The structure and makeup are very similar, as are the effects. THCa also contributes to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis. Unlike CBD and CBDa, both THC and THCa are psychotropic.


Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system is our biological system capable of reacting with the cannabinoids extracted from cannabis plants. The system regulates a large portion of our body’s systems. The goal of this system is to provide homeostasis. This is the ‘just right’ concept. Homeostasis ensures that we are comfortable.


The cannabinoids found in cannabidiol oil interact with this system through receptors. It is believed that the use of cannabinoids to activate and interact with these receptors can assist the system in working more efficiently.


Research is currently testing the effects of specific cannabinoids. This is done by isolating the cannabinoid, then investigating how it reacts with the endocannabinoid system. Researchers are hoping that their research can prove these cannabinoids to be successful at preventing disease.

Blessed CBD

At Blessed CBD we extract from the entire hemp plant. We do this in an attempt to create the entourage effect. We believe that to create a high-quality CBD oil, we must include a mixture of cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. 


You can check out the exact ingredients of our CBD oil on our website. They can be found in the lab results tab. 


We’ve also won best CBD oil awards from the below publications: