Seven fast-emerging, modern food and beverage brands have come together to form a new health coalition ACES, the Alliance to Control Excessive Sugar. EnlightenedHighKeyKoiaLemon Perfect,OLIPOPSuper Coffee, and Three Wishes, all have low-sugar and great taste in their DNA and have fueled the consumer demand for healthier, tastier, lower sugar options. Once competitors in the food and beverage market, these seven brands are now unified in their mission to help consumers reduce sugar from their diets. In fact, these companies have cumulatively already removed over 34 million pounds of sugar from the market and have committed to removing 157 million more pounds of sugar in the coming years.

ACES Launches with $1 Million to Cut Sugar Intake

Despite the well-documented harmful effects of high-sugar diets, Americans knowingly and unknowingly consumed over 84 billion pounds of sugar in 2021, due in large part to added or hidden sugars. Additionally, many low- or no-sugar products on the market contain synthetic sweeteners, which can trigger insulin release and alter gut bacteria, and other potentially harmful ingredients. To help educate and provide consumers with better options, these companies are championing the benefits of zero-calorie sweeteners and delicious, nutritious ingredients so they don’t have to choose between health and flavor.


“America’s go-to brands are loaded with sugar and unnecessary calories that make food and drinks taste good but at the expense of health and wellness,” says the Chair of ACES and CEO of Super Coffee, Jimmy DeCicco. “At ACES, we’re committed to showing consumers that there’s a better way – food and beverages that are low in sugar and don’t compromise on taste. Our combined impact is far greater than any single brand alone, which is why we’re banding together for the betterment of our community. This is just the beginning of a movement that we hope will soon pressure every food and beverage company to meet consumers’ needs of combining flavor with function and wellness.”


As a first step, the ACES coalition launched a website,, where consumers can learn more about the mission. ACES will also be giving away $1 million worth of discounts to consumers as incentives to remove sugar from their diets. On the website, consumers sign up for an exclusive ACES Passport coupon book with $30 in savings on better-for-you and great tasting products. They can also opt to send an ACES Passport book to a friend or loved one.

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In addition, ACES is issuing an open invitation to other like-minded brands to join their movement and help create positive change in the food and beverage industry. These companies can go to to sign up for consideration.  Consumers can also nominate their favorite better-for-you brands to join the ACES family on the site. Companies who demonstrate that they are committed to this mission, meet certain criteria, and are approved by the ACES committee, will be welcomed into the fold.


After the initial launch, ACES will continue to roll out future programs and initiatives and to fulfill their mission. Visit to learn more.


About ACES

The ACES coalition is made up of seven better-for-you brands, Super CoffeeHighKeyOLIPOPLemon PerfectKoiaEnlightened and Three Wishes, who joined forces to create a healthy hub for modern food and beverages, educate communities on the dangers of excessive sugars, and collaborate to mutually benefit those who enjoy their products. Together, ACES can fulfill the mission to create a culture where all people rethink sugar and empty calories. They will champion the benefits of natural zero-calorie sweeteners and healthy ingredients that mimic the taste and texture of our favorite snacks and drinks. They are many brands with a single belief: life can be sweet, without the sugar. Visit to learn more.