Holiday Healthy Drinks With Omega Juicers

The holiday season can be a particularly stressful and exhausting time of year.  Work becomes demanding with end of year reports and projects, weekends become packed with family get-togethers, and shopping for the perfect gift can leave anyone exhausted! Holiday parties at the workplace are often held on weeknights and then you are expected to come in bright and early the next morning looking your best (the nerve!) And even if a party is held on a Friday or Saturday you might not have the option to “recover” by sleeping it off – life goes on even after a fun party!

For an energy boost that will keep you going longer than a breakfast of coffee and leftover apple pie, Omega Juicers has put together two recipes to help fight the common signs of a rough night – specifically fatigue! Juicing after a long night allows the body to take in an abundance of valuable vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that the body needs to recover.  Omega’s “Green Goddess,” below, will offer natural energy, oxygenating the blood and creating increased brain function and physical energy. Additionally, Omega Juicers have been fueling pro athletes during training and competition since 1985, with one of the most popular recipes featuring the lesser-used beet! The nitrates in Omega’s “On Your Beet” have proven to boost endurance and hydration, keeping you energized and productive.


  • ½ cup of broccoli
  • 1 green apple
  • ½ cup of spinach
  • 1 leaf Kale
  • 1 kiwi
  • ½ inch of fresh ginger
  • ½ lemon (peeled with most of the white rind still on)

  Juice together in the order given; stir the juice to mix the flavors

*For this recipe, Omega recommends using a masticating style juicer like their Vert VRT330 HD or Vert VRT350 Low Speed Juicing System to give you the highest degree of extraction and the healthiest possible juice.

On Your Beet


  • 1 small beetroot (the small ones are sweeter!)
  • 2-3 medium sized carrots
  • 1 stalk of celery

Juice together in the order given; stir the juice to mix the flavors

*For this recipe, Omega recommends using a masticating style juicer like their Vert VRT330 HD or Vert VRT350 Low Speed Juicing System to give you the highest degree of extraction and the healthiest possible juice.