The World’s Most Expensive Tea Now for Sale Online

Alcheme of Tea, a Nevada based artisan e-tea house recently announced that it has now made available for sale a tea that includes in its ingredients edible 23 Carat Gold.

For centuries the wealthy have enjoyed the taste of gold, according to Alice Edwards, owner of Alcheme of Tea. Until now, tea with gold has been reserved for the extremely elite, Alice asserts, pointing out that there is one company she knows of that sells a similar tea blend, but it is in Dubai. With the release of Alcheme of Tea’s Golden Summit tea, the rest of the world can now start to savor the flavor too.

The tea blend is called Golden Summit, and contains a blend of edible gold flakes and Oolong. The tea is sold in a size and weight geared to make it affordable and easily shippable. One tin is estimated to make approximately two pots of tea.

Says an article on Alcheme of Tea’s website, “In 1662 princess Catherine of Braganza of Portugal married Charles II and introduced to English aristocracy drinking tea as a court beverage. If Alcheme of Tea had been in business at the time of her marriage, perhaps Catherine of Braganza would have chosen Golden Summit to celebrate her wedding.”

Perhaps she would. One thing’s for certain; Las Vegas certainly seems a fitting home for the first tea with gold being marketed and sold in the U.S.

Alcheme of Tea is an e-tea house with no brick and mortar location focused on sharing flavorful and experiential tea blends that fuel the soul and enhance its clients lives and well-being. The company creates tea blends for sale on its website and works to raise awareness of tea blending as an art form. The company recently won multiple awards for its flavorful blends at the North American Tea Championships.

For more information visit: or call 702-983-2447 to speak with Alice Edwards, the artist behind the teas.

The World’s Most Expensive Tea Now for Sale Online