Diabolo Beverages, Inc.

Diabolo Beverages in F&B

Bonjour America! We can’t wait to show you everything that’s new with DIABOLO Sparkling French Lemonade in 2021!

When Michel Langlais, Founder of DIABOLO Beverages, was growing up in Paris, his favorite refreshment was a diabolo drink. This delicious and refreshing drink has been bringing smiles to French faces for decades and remains a staple at French cafés and bistros to this day. So, when Michel moved to America, he re-created these fabulous recipes here in the U.S., and voila, DIABOLO Sparkling French Lemonade was born.

Fast-forward to 2021, and the diabolo drink lineup has recently relaunched and expanded to six flirtatious flavors that are all showing off a sexy new silhouette. The new 12oz. slim can delivers all the flavor that consumers have come to love, each with only 50 calories per serving (can) and packed with B-vitamins.

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Existing and new retailers across the country have embraced the DIABOLO re-package and relaunch efforts and are coming online to offer the calorie-conservative Sparkling French Lemonade at locations everywhere. In the early part of 2021, the sales successes and the new distribution partnerships have far exceeded expectations:

  • Authorized retailers increased from 4,000 to over 5,500
  • In the specialty beverage category at a major national retailer, dollars sales increased 79% for the last 13 weeks, and diabolo drink is outpacing the competition up nearly double that at 36.3%
  • For the first quarter, with little pricing promotion, the re-branded 12ozdollar volume increased 66.5% vs. YAG among the brands’ top retailers!

This momentum trend with retailers is expected to continue throughout 2021 as America discovers one of the only calorie-conscience choices in the beverage aisle that packs exotic and tasty flavors.